Tuesday 28 July 2009

It was a one horse race

We've been looking back over the five weeks of the by-election campaign.  Many wild predictions and crazy statements were made, particularly by the Lib Dems who threw their entire election machine at Reddish North to no avail (there's a ray of hope there for the Tories in the Cheadle and Gatley by-election too!)

Throughout the campaign it was declared "It's a TWO horse race",  the results show otherwise. But the best quote has to be:

"It's Neck and Neck... Only a handful of votes will separate the hardworking local resident, Norman Beverley and Gordon Brown's Labour candidate".  Yep, 915 to be precise.  Big hands!

Thursday 23 July 2009

Councillor Wilson says THANK YOU Reddish

Labour's David Wilson surged to victory in the Reddish North by-election tonight, increasing Labour's majority by around 200 votes on the previous local election result in May 2008.
Despite throwing their entire election machine at the contest, the Lib Dems limped into a pathetic 4th place behind the Conservatives and UKIP.

Councillor David Wilson (as he can now be known!) said: "I am delighted with this result. It is a complete victory for Reddish North. I want to thank all the people who placed their trust in me. I will always try my very best for the people of Reddish North. I will not let you down".

Andrew Gwynne MP said "David Wilson will make an absolutely fantastic Labour Councillor for Reddish North. Congratulations David. Thank you Reddish North".

Labour: 1,218 (50%)
Conservative: 403 (16%)
UKIP: 342 (14%)
Lib Dem: 303 (12%)
BNP: 195 (8%)
Labour Majority: 815 (34%)

Turnout 23.5%

Legal Action threatened... hmmm!

So today we have received a threatening letter from the Liberal Democrats demanding we disclose the identity of their activist who made the appalling "tw*t" comments about Reddish residents.  They are now threatening us with legal action if we do not remove the quote from this website.

We stand by the quote taken from: mrpevensie.blogspot.com

The individual is clearly a Liberal Democrat activist because he blogs the various days he has been out helping in Norman Beverley's campaign, and even displays the Lib Dem leaflets on his site.

Of course, as suspected, the offensive comments have now been removed.  We have data captured the original version.  But if the Liberal Democrats knew anything about the internet they would find the original version on Google 'Cache' because Google data capture sites too and you can access them...

Here's a tip for the Leader of the Council:  Instead of making threats, log on to a computer and type:


Then type in the search box "Reddish" "election" "tw*ts" (without the *)

Then scroll down to WUNDERKIND.: trainers click on Cached and hey presto!

You'll see in the text:
"I've been out leafletting for the Liberal Democrat campaign this week what with the by election coming up so soon. One man was stood in the doorway of a house and one man was sat on the sofa watching the telly. I walked up to the door and said "Good evening, I'm calling on behalf of the Liberal Democrats to let you know about the by-election on the 23rd of July" to which the man laughed at me, before turning to his friend sat on the sofa and exclaiming "ee are, this'll REALLY interest you! There's a BY-ELECTION! You'll be votin' won't you?! Eh?!" to which his friend responded "OH AYE! VOTING?! I'LL BE OUT THERE CAMPAIGNING! I LOVE POLITICS!" That's just great. I really like a bit of sarcasm with my political apathy you spineless ballot dodging bastard. I mean honestly, some people don't deserve to be represented.
Who finds the fact that they have democratic rights amusing?Twats. Where do twats live? Reddish."

STILL NO LIB DEM APOLOGY... we're waiting!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Eve of poll

Tonight there was one last push for votes as the Reddish Labour Party, together with a team of Labour colleagues from Tameside delivered our 'eve of poll' leaflet.

Apart from the 7,000 'Vote Todays' to be delivered tomorrow morning, it's now up to YOU the residents of Reddish.

Vote for David Wilson.  Vote Labour.  A vote for Labour is a vote for Reddish.

Lib Dems are guilty by association

A little dicky bird tells me that the Leader of the Council has gone incandescent with rage at the blog site comments posted by one of the local Lib Dem activists (see posting below)...

As suspected, once brought to their attention the obscene comments about Reddish residents were removed.  It matters not, because we have data captured the original and the amended versions - so it cannot be denied these offensive remarks were made.


Now let's see what the good people of Reddish North think about being called "spineless ballot dodging bas*ards" and "twa*s"...

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Lib Dem 'Reddish slur' apology demanded

Is this what the Lib Dems really think of Reddish folk? The following text was taken from a recent blog posting of some local Lib Dem activist called ‘Jono’...   

"I've been out leafleting for the Liberal Democrat campaign this week what with the by election coming up so soon. One man was stood in the doorway of a house and one man was sat on the sofa watching the telly. I walked up to the door and said "Good evening, I'm calling on behalf of the Liberal Democrats to let you know about the by-election on the 23rd of July" to which the man laughed at me, before turning to his friend sat on the sofa and exclaiming "ee are, this'll REALLY interest you! There's a BY-ELECTION! You'll be votin' won't you?! Eh?!" to which his friend responded "OH AYE! VOTING?! I'LL BE OUT THERE CAMPAIGNING! I LOVE POLITICS!" That's just great. I really like a bit of sarcasm with my political apathy you spineless ballot dodging bas**rd. I mean honestly, some people don't deserve to be represented. Who finds the fact that they have democratic rights amusing? Tw*ts."

"Where do tw*ts live?   Reddish." (note the word used was NOT twits)

We demand the Reddish North Lib Dem Candidate immediately distances himself from his activist's comments and apologises unreservedly to Reddish residents.  

We have now taken an image of the original blog page in case it gets quickly altered. Nothing short of a very public SORRY from the Lib Dems will do.  In any case, on Thursday, perhaps the people of Reddish North should let the Lib Dems know precisely what they think of them!

An end almost in sight

Labour's David Wilson said:

"This Thursday is election day. It is an election nobody wanted, following the sad death of Labour Councillor, David Owen. As Labour's candidate I would just like to say a big thank you to all the people who I have managed to speak to over recent weeks.

"It has been a great privilege to listen to your views and concerns. I hope I have secured the trust of local residents to be able to represent Reddish North on Stockport Council. If elected, I will always do my best for you and will always try to put Reddish North first.

"Please vote for me, David Wilson. Vote Labour on Thursday"

Saturday 18 July 2009

If you value it, you have to vote for it...

On 23rd July, you have a chance to send your message to the Conservatives, that you don't support their plans for 10% cuts across the board:  
  • If you want to keep our SureStart children's centre open - you have to vote for it.
  • If you want to invest in your children's school - you have to vote for it.
  • If you want to keep your free bus pass - you have to vote for it.
  • If you want to maintain local police numbers - you have to vote for it.
It's easy to take Labour's achievements for granted, but on 23rd July, if you value them, you have to vote for them.  Vote Labour. Vote for David Wilson.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Anybody out there?

This has been a peculiar by-election so far (although there's still a week to go) as the opposition parties seem to have dropped off the radar.  For sure, UKIP had a stall on Houldsworth Square last week, but that's been the sum total of their activity. 

The much depleted Lib Dems are at least active in this by-election, albeit over in Tameside where they have been delivering hundreds of their Reddish North leaflets by accident.  We suppose Stormin' Norman was explaining the off-side rule to Anne Graham when they missed the boundary sign on Windmill Lane!

But the biggest question is where is the teenage Tory candidate?  Sure he has been updating his website, no doubt when he should have been doing his homework or something, but the lack of leafleting and canvassing from the Conservatives has been apparent to all...

An election is about giving people a REAL choice.  Only Labour has been out on the streets of Reddish North every night, canvassing, talking to real people, leafleting, engaging.

That's why on 23rd July, David Wilson deserves your support. Unlike the other candidates he's NOT taking your vote at all for granted. Labour works hard for Reddish North all year round.

David Wilson's next leaflet

Here's the latest issue of Labour Link, updating Reddish North residents about the issues affecting the ward as we approach the 23rd July.

The Labour Team, led by our candidate, David Wilson, is hitting the streets with this leaflet now.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Lib Dems' miss the BIG clue...

You would think the Lib Dems (who control Stockport Council after all) might actually know where the borough of Stockport starts and finishes.  It clearly highlights their complete ignorance of the Reddish area.

But to give them the benefit of the doubt, you really would have thought that the BIG sign would have been a giveaway!  Let's spell it out: the properties along Windmill Lane, Dane Bank are in Denton, Tameside, NOT Reddish, Stockport.  You can stop leafleting now.   :)

Absentee Tories - Where's Wally?

Has anyone seen the Tory candidate recently?  Just what has happened to the Tory campaign in Reddish North? Where is 'Gaz'?  It's like playing a game of political Where's Wally... if anyone spots him, there's a prize!!!

Or maybe he's off over to Cheadle and Gatley along with the equally hapless Denton North East Tory candidate. 

Gaz, fyi, Cheadle and Gatley is a ward the Conservatives have to win or Cameron's project is finished!!

Saturday 11 July 2009

Another street stall success

David Wilson and the Labour team were out in force at Houldsworth Square in Reddish today collecting even more signatures opposing the Lib Dem Council's plans to close Reddish library.

David was joined by Andrew Gwynne MP and Reddish Labour Councillors and members. UKIP also had a street stall on the square. Sadly for them, they struggled to generate much of a crowd for their anti-European rhetoric (but at least they were seen unlike the other parties).

This election is not about what happens in Brussels, but down your street in Reddish North!

Friday 10 July 2009

If this isn't extreme, then what is?

If calling for the death of innocent civilians is not extreme then we need to redefine what is extreme.

The BNP’s national leader Nick Griffin has called for civilian boats carrying immigrants to be targeted, fired upon and sunk.

When challenged by the BBC reporter who said "I don’t think the EU is in the business of murdering people at sea," the BNP leader said in reply, "you could throw them life rafts."

Whatever political views you hold about this great country of ours we are sure you hold the majority view which is that the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent men, women and children has no place in a decent society.

If this is your opinion you will oppose those who hold such obnoxious views and you will oppose the extremist BNP on 23rd July.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Andrew Bennett backs David Wilson

Former Reddish MP Andrew Bennett has thrown his weight behind David Wilson's campaign to become a Councillor in Reddish North.  

Andrew, who served the area in Parliament for 31 years before retiring in 2005 joined David Wilson and current Reddish MP Andrew Gwynne on a tour around the Ward.

Andrew Bennett said: "Reddish is a great community and has a lot going for it. Sadly the Lib Dem Council have neglected the area which is why we need a dedicated team of Labour Councillors to stick up for Reddish. David Wilson has my fullest backing.  He will be a strong voice for Reddish North at Stockport Town Hall and will get results for our area.

I urge you to vote for him on 23rd July."

Monday 6 July 2009

Leading Denton and Reddish Lib Dem joins Labour

Another top local Liberal Democrat, Karen Wright, has formally joined the Denton and Reddish Constituency Labour Party today.

Karen, who represented the Audenshaw Ward on Tameside Council for over a decade has now chosen to become Labour’s newest recruit. S
he has also held several senior posts in the Liberal Democrats, including Lib Dem leader in Tameside, Constituency Party Chair and Parliamentary Agent for Denton and Reddish.

She is now the second high profile politician in a week to leave the failing Denton and Reddish Liberal Democrat party. First it was Paul Moss - their prospective parliamentary candidate - who tore up his Lib Dem membership, and now Karen Wright has chosen to do the same!

Karen Wright said: “I have been thinking about joining the Labour Party in Denton and Reddish for quite a while. I know how hard they work in our communities throughout Tameside and Stockport.”

“The timing of my move was always going to be difficult. Whilst I've always believed in positive campaigning and have no interest in slating my old party, it has become obvious to me that the Lib Dems in Denton and Reddish have become disorganised and are now showing little sign of understanding what local people need.”

“The choice in Reddish North is simple;
Labour’s David Wilson, or a Tory who would support savage public service cuts and a Lib Dem standing on a record of ignoring the will of the community. The other parties will use this election to peddle their programme of isolationism, extremism, hate and division.”

Commenting on Karen’s decision, Reddish Labour MP Andrew Gwynne said: “I admire Karen’s courageous and principled decision to join us in the Denton and Reddish Constituency Labour Party. She was a formidable political opponent and I know that her vast experience of community-based campaigning will be an asset to the local Labour Team in Reddish North in the by-election.”

Latest leaflet from Labour

Here's the latest campaign leaflet from Labour's David Wilson. In this new edition, you can read all about the campaign to save the Library and get updated on David's efforts to make North Reddish a better place to live.

Click on the images (left) to view.

Back to Skewl?

Apparently the young Conservative candidate is now desperately peddling the myth that 'there's only a couple of hundred votes between Labour and the Conservatives in Reddish North'?

2006 local election: Labour polled 832 more votes than the Tories
2007 local election: Labour polled 958 more votes than the Tories
2008 local election: Labour polled 642 more votes than the Tories

AND in the 2009 European elections, the Tories limped in THIRD PLACE behind Labour (1st) and UKIP (2nd).  The Lib Dems secured an historic 5th.

Clearly it's back to school for 'Gaz' to do remedial maths!!

It's only a little prick!

'You Tube if you want to'
someone recently said.  The wonderful thing about the internet is you can find all sorts of unexpected gems online, like this....

Sunday 5 July 2009

Sound as a pound?

On Saturday, while collecting more signatures in Houldsworth Square against the Lib Dems' proposal to close Reddish Library, one local resident asked us a very pertinent question...

Apparently, Stockport County FC collected around £40,000 under the 'Ground for a Pound' scheme, but no-body exactly seems to know what happened to this money.  

We are sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, over to the ex-Club Chairman to answer perhaps?