Is this what the Lib Dems really think of Reddish folk? The following text was taken from a recent blog posting of some local Lib Dem activist called ‘Jono’...
"I've been out leafleting for the Liberal Democrat campaign this week what with the by election coming up so soon. One man was stood in the doorway of a house and one man was sat on the sofa watching the telly. I walked up to the door and said "Good evening, I'm calling on behalf of the Liberal Democrats to let you know about the by-election on the 23rd of July" to which the man laughed at me, before turning to his friend sat on the sofa and exclaiming "ee are, this'll REALLY interest you! There's a BY-ELECTION! You'll be votin' won't you?! Eh?!" to which his friend responded "OH AYE! VOTING?! I'LL BE OUT THERE CAMPAIGNING! I LOVE POLITICS!" That's just great. I really like a bit of sarcasm with my political apathy you spineless ballot dodging bas**rd. I mean honestly, some people don't deserve to be represented. Who finds the fact that they have democratic rights amusing? Tw*ts."
"Where do tw*ts live? Reddish." (note the word used was NOT twits)
We demand the Reddish North Lib Dem Candidate immediately distances himself from his activist's comments and apologises unreservedly to Reddish residents.
We have now taken an image of the original blog page in case it gets quickly altered. Nothing short of a very public SORRY from the Lib Dems will do. In any case, on Thursday, perhaps the people of Reddish North should let the Lib Dems know precisely what they think of them!