We stand by the quote taken from: mrpevensie.blogspot.com
The individual is clearly a Liberal Democrat activist because he blogs the various days he has been out helping in Norman Beverley's campaign, and even displays the Lib Dem leaflets on his site.
Of course, as suspected, the offensive comments have now been removed. We have data captured the original version. But if the Liberal Democrats knew anything about the internet they would find the original version on Google 'Cache' because Google data capture sites too and you can access them...
Here's a tip for the Leader of the Council: Instead of making threats, log on to a computer and type:
Then type in the search box "Reddish" "election" "tw*ts" (without the *)
Then scroll down to WUNDERKIND.: trainers click on Cached and hey presto!
You'll see in the text:
"I've been out leafletting for the Liberal Democrat campaign this week what with the by election coming up so soon. One man was stood in the doorway of a house and one man was sat on the sofa watching the telly. I walked up to the door and said "Good evening, I'm calling on behalf of the Liberal Democrats to let you know about the by-election on the 23rd of July" to which the man laughed at me, before turning to his friend sat on the sofa and exclaiming "ee are, this'll REALLY interest you! There's a BY-ELECTION! You'll be votin' won't you?! Eh?!" to which his friend responded "OH AYE! VOTING?! I'LL BE OUT THERE CAMPAIGNING! I LOVE POLITICS!" That's just great. I really like a bit of sarcasm with my political apathy you spineless ballot dodging bastard. I mean honestly, some people don't deserve to be represented.
Who finds the fact that they have democratic rights amusing?Twats. Where do twats live? Reddish."
STILL NO LIB DEM APOLOGY... we're waiting!