Saturday, 27 June 2009

Labour's newest recruit speaks out

This week, Paul Moss, the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Denton and Reddish constituency at the next General Election spectacularly joined Labour. Today he speaks out:

The Liberal Democrats talk a good fight, but that’s all it is – talk."

"I have seen how the Lib Dems in Stockport have completely ignored local people and have helped to seriously damage communities like Reddish through their uncaring policies.

“I felt I could not campaign under the Lib Dem banner any longer and that is why I am now actively campaigning for Labour’s David Wilson in Reddish who is firmly rooted in the community and will make an excellent Councillor. I urge people to support his campaign.”

Nationally, the Liberal Democrats are a complete joke. They have not made any progress at all under the leadership of Nick Clegg and in fact look set to lose scores of seats at the next General Election. Ineffective leadership at the top, unpopular, incoherent and un-costed policies and the complete lack of the drive and ambition they had in the past means that in all honesty I could no longer be their Parliamentary candidate."

“I’m a local lad, and to have stood for Parliament here would have been an honour, but it is only honourable when you believe in the political platform you are standing on."

"Having torn with my conscience, I have concluded the Lib Dems do not have the right programme for Britain’s future and that Labour’s real achievements in government, particularly their massive investment in education and health and helping the poorest in society through the minimum wage and other measures, need to be protected against the risk of the Tories being returned to power."

"That’s why I have resigned as the Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Denton and Reddish and have formally joined the Labour Party.”