Sunday, 21 June 2009

A new school for Reddish?

Commenting on the plans for a new primary school for North Reddish, Labour's David Wilson says:

"I have listened to all the arguments for the proposed new primary school and I have to agree with Andrew Gwynne MP and local residents in their opposition to building on an old toxic dump.  This cannot be right for Reddish children either now or in the future and I would call on the LibDem Council to think again!"

Pictured, Labour's David Wilson at one of the supposedly fenced off 'toxic' areas!

  • The Labour Government gave Stockport Council £4.5 million for a new school in Reddish.
  • It was originally allocated to Fir Tree primary school.
  • The LibDems chose Harcourt Street playing fields despite BETTER alternatives being put forward for consideration.
  • Harcourt Street fields are the site of a former landfill site.
  • It was a tip before proper records legally had to be kept. No-one really knows what's in the ground!!!
  • The Lib Dem Council's own site investigation report highlights "poisons", "toxic hot spots" and "gassing" on the site.
  • The ONLY Councillor to vote against the site being given planning permission was a Labour Councillor.
  • Every Lib Dem on the planning committee voted FOR this poisoned site.
Labour wants the school; but we want it on a much safer site!!